In 2021, HOCADEO through the GWDP promoted peace in families through sensitisation of Communities in Kagadi on the dangers of Domestic Violence and how to mitigate the causes. Couples were also helped to respect each other and to understand the need of working together as away of creating harmony in their households.
These sensitisations were done over the radio and others in the community groups and this has helped many households to embrace gender equality which is portrayed in their willingness to share information, plan together, share productive work among many others. From the basic evaluations done by HOCADEO statistics show that there was significant improvement in the family and community harmony as portrayed by 85% of the couples sharing productive work hence reducing on the women workload, domestic violence and reduced 70% in our areas of operation despite the escalating rates of domestic violence country wide as a result of Covid-19 Lockdown measures.
We offer psychosocial support to victims and survivors of Gender based Violence in the communities where we work. This is to emphasis the need for serenity and peace in homes and communities for development to take place.
In 2021, HOCADEO through the GWDP promoted peace in families through sensitisation of Communities in Kagadi on the dangers of Domestic Violence and how to mitigate the causes. Couples were also helped to respect each other and to understand the need of working together as away of creating harmony in their households.
These sensitisations were done over the radio and others in the community groups and this has helped many households to embrace gender equality which is portrayed in their willingness to share information, plan together, share productive work among many others. From the basic evaluations done by HOCADEO statistics show that there was significant improvement in the family and community harmony as portrayed by 85% of the couples sharing productive work hence reducing on the women workload, domestic violence and reduced 70% in our areas of operation despite the escalating rates of domestic violence country wide as a result of Covid-19 Lockdown measures.